使用Node.JS,React,Redux和Redux-Saga Part2:Redux集成构建Retrogames存档。
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In the previous tutorial we built the retrogames archive app and successfully made it work.


Actually, for a small project like this, adding Redux may increase the overall complexity of the code without real benefits. At most we could do some refactoring, create some utils functions and so on. However we can consider the project as the base for a more complex one so Redux improves the overall development experience as well as the code organization:

实际上,对于像这样的小型项目,添加Redux可能会增加代码的整体复杂性而没有真正的好处。 最多我们可以进行一些重构,创建一些utils函数,等等。 但是,我们可以将项目视为更复杂项目的基础,因此Redux可以改善总体开发经验以及代码组织:

By decoupling the state from the our components we will see immediate benefits in terms of readibilty, moreover we have a precise picture of the current state. No more non-deterministic state means easy debugging as well!

通过将状态从我们的组件中分离出来,我们将在准备就绪性方面看到直接的好处,而且,我们对当前状态有了一个精确的了解。 没有更多的不确定状态也意味着易于调试!

In few words I summarized a few reasons why I like Redux and why I use it in my apps:


  • Decouple the state from the components. By connecting the containers to the redux store I can get the data I need and pass it as props to presentational components. This helps readibility.

    使状态与组件分离。 通过将容器连接到redux存储,我可以获得所需的数据并将其作为道具传递给表示性组件。 这有助于提高可读性。
  • rocks!

  • Having a single state means having a single source of truth.

  • It's developer friendly, with redux-dev-tools debugging my code is easier and faster.

  • I can do time travelling by deleting previously dispatched actions.

  • Redux comes with great .

    Redux附带了出色的 。

For more, take a look a the documentation on .

有关更多信息,请查看有关的文档。 。


  • The most obvious is having the code of the part.1 that you can grab on my github.

  • The prerequisites of the part.1 are also still valid, plus I assume some basic knowledge of Redux and Immutability.


Regarding the project, if you want to start from the part1 and update the project incrementally, you can get the code on and checkout to tutorial/part1 branch to start editing the code. On the other hand you can just checkout to tutorial/part2 branch instead to get the exact code of this tutorial.

关于项目,如果要从part1开始并逐步更新项​​目,则可以在上获取代码,并签出到tutorial / part1分支以开始编辑代码。 另一方面,您可以直接检出tutorial / part2分支,以获得本教程的确切代码。

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That's the folder structure for the Part.2:


--app ----models ------game.js ----routes ------game.js --client ----dist ------css --------style.css ------fonts --------PressStart2p.ttf ------index.html ------bundle.js ----src ------actions --------filestack.js --------games.js ------components --------About.jsx --------Archive.jsx --------Contact.jsx --------Form.jsx --------Game.jsx --------GamesListManager.jsx --------Home.jsx --------index.js --------Modal.jsx --------Welcome.jsx ------constants --------filestack.js --------games.js ------containers --------AddGameContainer.jsx --------GamesContainer.jsx --------reducers ----------filestack.js ----------games.js ----------index.js --------sagas ----------filestack.js ----------games.js ----------index.js ------index.js ------routes.js ------store.js --.babelrc --package.json --server.js --webpack-loaders.js --webpack-paths.js --webpack.config.js --yarn.lock

( )

To better understand the process of integrating Redux in our app we can start from the games list view.


Take a look at GamesContainer function getGames:


/* ... code */// This is the fetch code directly in the containergetGames () {
fetch('http://localhost:8080/games', {
headers: new Headers({
'Content-Type': 'application/json' }) }) .then(response => response.json()) .then(data => this.setState({
games: data })); } /* ... code */

We are making an asynchronous call to the server to fetch our games and then put them in the state. Thus, this is a perfect candidate for our purpose.

我们正在异步调用服务器以获取游戏,然后将其置于状态。 因此,这是达到我们目的的理想人选。

Let's think about the new state structure, here is an initial draft the games list only:


games: {
list : [ {
//...Game1}, {
//...Game2}, ... ]}

We added one more level (list) compared to the original one, this is will come handy once our state grows.


We need to install a few packages, let's start from Redux and Immutable (Our state will be an immutable data-structure):


yarn add redux immutable


First, we write the actions so create the action folder in /client/src and inside create new a file called games.js which contains our action creators. Then, paste the following code:

首先,我们编写动作,因此在/client/src创建动作文件夹,并在内部创建一个名为games.js新文件,其中包含我们的动作创建者。 然后,粘贴以下代码:

// We import the constants from a /constants/gamesimport {
GET_GAMES, GET_GAMES_SUCCESS, GET_GAMES_FAILURE} from '../constants/games';// GET_GAMES function will be dispatched within GamesContainerfunction getGames () {
return {
type: GET_GAMES };}/* After fetching form the server this action is intercepted by the reducer and the games added to the state */function getGamesSuccess (games) {
return {
type: GET_GAMES_SUCCESS, games };}// A failure action is sent in case of server errorsfunction getGamesFailure () {
return {
type: GET_GAMES_FAILURE };}// we export all the function in a single export commandexport {
getGames, getGamesSuccess, getGamesFailure};

The three functions are action creators which returns a plain object description of the action which is going to be executed by the store:


  • getGames will be run in componentDidMount of GamesContainer and requires the HTTP request to the server to fetch the games list. Since we are talking about async requests (the HTTP request), the reducer won't be involved in this, instead we are going to write a specific saga to deal with it.

    getGames将在GamesContainer的 componentDidMount中运行,并且需要服务器的HTTP请求来获取游戏列表。 由于我们正在谈论异步请求(HTTP请求),因此reducer不会涉及到它,相反,我们将编写一个特定的传奇来处理它。
  • getGamesSuccess and getGamesFailure returns actions digested by the reducer function once the HTTP request terminates as we want to handle both cases, success and failure. Besides, the first one carries the games list received from the server as second property.

    一旦HTTP请求终止, getGamesSuccessgetGamesFailure返回由reducer函数消化的操作,因为我们要处理成功和失败两种情况。 此外,第一个携带从服务器接收到的游戏列表作为第二个属性。


At the top of the file we imported three constants to define the actions type, so let's create that file now. Create the /constants folder in /client/src and create a new file games.js inside of it. Then, paste the following code:

在文件的顶部,我们导入了三个常量以定义操作类型,因此,让我们现在创建该文件。 在/client/src创建/constants文件夹,并在其中创建一个新文件games.js 。 然后,粘贴以下代码:

/* the constants are imported in the sagas, reducers and action files so it's very convenient to have a 'centralized' file for them. */const GET_GAMES = 'GET_GAMES';const GET_GAMES_SUCCESS = 'GET_GAMES_SUCCESS';const GET_GAMES_FAILURE = 'GET_GAMES_FAILURE';export {

While using constants for the actions type is not necessary I recommend a similar code organization for larger apps.



Now we have some actions but we need the reducer function to receive them and return a new state accordingly. Let's create a file games.js in /clients/src/reducers and paste the following code:

现在我们有了一些动作,但是我们需要reducer函数来接收它们并相应地返回新状态。 让我们在/clients/src/reducers创建一个文件games.js并粘贴以下代码:

import Immutable from 'immutable';// Here the constants file comes handyimport {
GET_GAMES_SUCCESS, GET_GAMES_FAILURE} from '../constants/games';// The initial state is just an empty Mapconst initialState = Immutable.Map();// That's a very standard reducer function to return a new state given a dispatched actionexport default (state = initialState, action) => {
switch (action.type) {
// GET_GAMES_SUCCESS case return a new state with the fetched games in the state case GET_GAMES_SUCCESS: {
return state.merge({
list: action.games }); } // In case of failure it simplies returned a new empty state case GET_GAMES_FAILURE: {
return state.clear(); } default: return state; }}

Here it is our pure reducer, which receives the current state and an action and returns a new state. In case the state is not passed as parameter, the initialState is considered instead. As a rule, in case the action.type is unhandled (so no case for it), the reducer just the returns the current state.

这是我们的纯归约器,它接收当前状态和操作并返回新状态。 如果没有将状态作为参数传递,则考虑使用initialState 。 作为一项规则,以防action.type是未处理的(所以没有它的情况下 ),减速刚刚返回当前状态。

Now, the entire app must have a single reducer, however we can split the logic in several functions and then combine them all. We created one for now but we can forecast we will have others as well: For instance, the form may have another one!

现在,整个应用程序必须具有一个简化器,但是我们可以将逻辑拆分为多个功能,然后将它们全部组合。 我们现在创建了一个表单,但是我们可以预测还会有其他表单:例如,表单可能还有另一个表单!

The important thing to keep in mind is that the reducer function must be one when we create the store, so we need a mechanism to merge them into a single one. Luckily we can use combineReducers from Redux-immutable to achieve this!

要记住的重要一点是,在创建商店时,reducer函数必须为一个,因此我们需要一种将它们合并为单个函数的机制。 幸运的是,我们可以使用Redux-immutable中的 combineReducers实现这一目标!

NB: We actually need Redux-immutable to have an equivalent function to Redux combineReducers that deals with immutability. If the state wasn't an immutable data-structure we wouldn't need it.

注意 :实际上,我们需要Redux-immutable具有与Redux combineReducers等效的功能,该功能可处理不变性。 如果状态不是一成不变的数据结构,我们将不需要它。

Let's add the package:


yarn add redux-immutable

In /client/src/reducers create index.js and paste the following code:


// We import the combineReducers functionimport {
combineReducers } from 'redux-immutable';// Import our reducers function from hereimport games from './games'; // combineReducers merges them all!export default combineReducers({

For now it is just games but we will soon have others.



It is time to handle async requests and to do so we are using Redux-saga:


yarn add redux-saga

Sagas are implemented by generator functions which are transpiled thanks to Babel-polyfill. Let's install it:

Sagas由生成器功能实现,而这些功能由于Babel- polyfill而得以转译。 让我们安装它:

yarn add babel-polyfill --dev

And we have to modify the entry of the common config object in webpack.config.js:


/* ...code */entry: {
app: ['babel-polyfill', PATHS.src]},/* ...code */

Now, let's create games.js in /client/src/sagas and paste the following code:


// Import a saga helperimport {
takeLatest} from 'redux-saga';// Saga effects are usesul to interact with the saga middlewareimport {
put, call} from 'redux-saga/effects';// As predicted a saga will take care of GET_GAMES actionsimport {
GET_GAMES} from '../constants/games';// either one is yielded once the fetch is doneimport {
getGamesSuccess, getGamesFailure } from '../actions/games';// We moved the fetch from GamesContainerconst fetchGames = () => {
return fetch('http://localhost:8080/games', {
// Set the header content-type to application/json headers: new Headers({
'Content-Type': 'application/json' }) }) .then(response => response.json())};// yield call to fetchGames is in a try catch to control the flow even when the promise rejectsfunction* getGames () {
try {
const games = yield call(fetchGames); yield put(getGamesSuccess(games)); } catch (err) {
yield put(getGamesFailure()); }}// The watcher saga waits for dispatched GET_GAMES actionsfunction* watchGetGames () {
yield takeLatest(GET_GAMES, getGames);}// Export the watcher to be run in parallel in sagas/index.jsexport {
  • We have created a watcher saga watchGetGames which spawns getGames on every action dispatched whose action.type is 'GET_GAMES'. We use takeLatest so it will cancel previous running tasks.

    我们创建了一个watcher saga watchGetGames ,它在分派的每个action.type为'GET_GAMES'的动作上生成getGames 我们使用takeLatest这样它将取消以前的运行任务。
  • getGames is gonna yield call(fetchGames) to the saga middleware and wait to the promise to resolve. This suspends the saga till the promise is resolved. We added a try-catch surrounding the instructions to make sure that in case the promise gets rejected we handle the situation and dispatch an failure action to the reducer.

    getGames将让saga中间件yield call(fetchGames)并等待承诺解决。 这将中止传奇,直到诺言得以解决。 我们在指令周围添加了尝试捕获功能,以确保在诺言被拒绝的情况下,我们可以处理这种情况,并将失败操作发送给减速器。

NB: We could have written const games = yield call(fetchGames) in this way:

注意 :我们可以这样编写const games = yield call(fetchGames)

const games = yield fetchGames()

However call creates a plain object describing the effect which makes it easy to test. For a deeper discussion spend some time reading the .

但是, call会创建一个描述效果的简单对象,使测试变得容易。 为了进行更深入的讨论,请花一些时间阅读 。

In our app we want to start all the sagas at once so we need a function rootSaga to start them all. Let's create index.js in /client/src/sagas and paste the following code:

在我们的应用程序中,我们想一次启动所有的sagas,因此我们需要一个函数rootSaga来启动它们。 让我们在/client/src/sagas创建index.js并粘贴以下代码:

// Import the watcher we have just createdimport {
watchGetGames} from './games';export default function* rootSaga () {
// We start all the sagas in parallel yield [ watchGetGames() ];}

This yields an array with the results of starting all the sagas inside (just one for now).


The final step is to create the Saga middleware and connect it to the redux store but actually we have no store yet.



Let's solve this immediately, create store.js in /client/src and paste the following code:


// We import Redux and Redux-saga dependenciesimport {
createStore, applyMiddleware} from 'redux';import createSagaMiddleware from 'redux-saga';// this comes from our created filesimport rootSaga from './sagas';import reducer from './reducers';// The function in charge of creating and returning the store of the appconst configureStore = () => {
const sagaMiddleware = createSagaMiddleware(); // The store is created with a reducer parameter and the saga middleware const store = createStore( reducer, applyMiddleware(sagaMiddleware) ); // rootSaga starts all the sagas in parallel sagaMiddleware.run(rootSaga); return store; // Return the state }export default configureStore;

We defined a function configureStore which does the following:

我们定义了一个功能configureStore ,它执行以下操作:

  • Creates the store passing the reducer and the middleware.

  • Start the sagaMiddleware by calling the run function.

  • Return the state.



At this point we need GamesContainer to access the store and subscribe to it. We can do so thanks to the React-redux component Provider.

至此,我们需要GamesContainer来访问商店并进行订阅。 感谢React-redux组件Provider我们可以做到这一点。

First install the package:


yarn add react-redux

Then, in /client/src/routes.js replace the code with the following:


import React from 'react';// We import Providerimport {
Provider } from 'react-redux';// We need the store to be passed to Providerimport configureStore from './store';// All the previous dependencies from Part1import {
Router, Route, hashHistory, IndexRoute } from 'react-router';import {
AddGameContainer, GamesContainer } from './containers';import {
Home, Archive, Welcome, About, Contact } from './components';// Call the configureStore function previously exportedconst store = configureStore();// Provider wraps our root componentconst routes = ({
/* We pass the store to the provider */}
);export default routes;

By wrapping our root component Provider we make the store available to all the components.


As final step GamesContainer is required to dispatch actions and read from the state. React-redux also provides a function connect which creates this connection and allow us to export a smart container instead.

作为最后一步,需要GameContainer分发动作并从状态读取信息。 React-redux还提供了一个函数connect ,该连接创建了此连接,并允许我们导出一个智能容器。


Let's take a look at the updated code for /client/src/containers/GamesContainer.js:


import React, {
Component } from 'react'; // We import connect from react-reduximport {
connect } from 'react-redux';// bindActionCreators comes handy to wrap action creators in dispatch callsimport {
bindActionCreators } from 'redux';import Immutable from 'immutable';import {
Modal, GamesListManager } from '../components';// we import the action-creators to be binde with bindActionCreatorsimport * as gamesActionCreators from '../actions/games';// We do not export GamesContainer as it is 'almost' a dumb componentclass GamesContainer extends Component {
constructor (props) {
super(); // For now we still initialize the state this.state = {
selectedGame: {
}, searchBar: '' }; this.toggleModal = this.toggleModal.bind(this); this.deleteGame = this.deleteGame.bind(this); this.setSearchBar = this.setSearchBar.bind(this); } componentDidMount () {
this.getGames(); } toggleModal (index) {
selectedGame: this.state.games[index] }); $('#game-modal').modal(); }// GET_GAMES is now dispatched and intercepted by the saga watcher getGames () {
this.props.gamesActions.getGames(); } deleteGame (id) {
id}`, {
headers: new Headers({
'Content-Type': 'application/json', }), method: 'DELETE', }) .then(response => response.json()) .then(response => {
games: this.state.games.filter(game => game._id !== id) }); console.log(response.message); }); } setSearchBar (event) {
searchBar: event.target.value.toLowerCase() }); } render () {
const {
selectedGame, searchBar } = this.state; const {
games } = this.props; console.log(games); return (
); }}// We can read values from the state thanks to mapStateToPropsfunction mapStateToProps (state) {
return {
// We get all the games to list in the page games: state.getIn(['games', 'list'], Immutable.List()).toJS() }}// We can dispatch actions to the reducer and sagasfunction mapDispatchToProps (dispatch) {
return {
gamesActions: bindActionCreators(gamesActionCreators, dispatch) };}// Finally we export the connected GamesContainerexport default connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(GamesContainer);
  • mapStateToProps is a function with the state as parameter: It returns an object that gives our container access to the state information as props. In this case the games list will be available through this.props.games.

    mapStateToProps是一个以状态为参数的函数:它返回一个对象,该对象使我们的容器可以访问作为道具的状态信息。 在这种情况下,可以通过this.props.games获得游戏列表。
  • mapDispatchToProps allows our container to dispatch actions. We also need bindActionCreators which makes our action creators wrapped into a dispatch call. Through the gamesActions object GamesContainer can now call getGames action creator.

    mapDispatchToProps允许我们的容器调度动作。 我们还需要bindActionCreators ,它使我们的动作创建者包装在一个调度调用中。 通过gamesActions对象GamesContainer现在可以调用getGames动作创建者。
  • Take a look at the GamesContainer getGames function: This is now just a single line where we call the action creator function. Our saga will intercept the action and fetch data from the server!

    看一下GamesContainer的 getGames函数:现在这只是一行,我们称之为动作创建者函数。 我们的传奇将拦截动作并从服务器获取数据!
  • In the constructor we still initialize the state (for now) but we get the games array from our state so we deleted it from the initialization.


Let's see if it still works..


To run the server:


yarn api

And to run webpack-dev-server:


yarn start

Once we connect to here is the result:

连接到 ,结果如下:

Great it works. We went through all the steps to include redux in our app so now we can apply it wherever it is possible.

伟大的作品。 我们完成了所有步骤,将redux包含在我们的应用程序中,因此现在我们可以在任何可能的地方应用它。

The search bar is another good candidate as we save the keyword in the state. Plus, we are not required to use Redux-saga in this case.

搜索栏是另一个很好的候选者,因为我们将关键字保存在状态中。 另外,在这种情况下,我们不需要使用Redux-saga

As we did before, let's picture our state structure to include the search bar keyword:


games: {
list : [ {
//...Game1}, {
//...Game2}, ... ], searchBar: ''}

At the same level as the games list makes sense doesn't it?


Let's edit /client/src/actions/games.js to include the new action creator:


// A new constant SET_SEARCH_BARimport {
GET_GAMES, GET_GAMES_SUCCESS, GET_GAMES_FAILURE, SET_SEARCH_BAR} from '../constants/games';function getGames () {
return {
type: GET_GAMES };}function getGamesSuccess (games) {
return {
type: GET_GAMES_SUCCESS, games };}function getGamesFailure () {
return {
type: GET_GAMES_FAILURE };}// setSearchBar action-creator has a payload, the keyword typed by the usersfunction setSearchBar (keyword) {
return {
type: SET_SEARCH_BAR, keyword };}export {
getGames, getGamesSuccess, getGamesFailure, setSearchBar // We export the new action-creators};
  • The new action has type SET_SEARCH_BAR and carries the keyword to filter the games.

  • As did before, let's create the constant, so edit /client/src/constants/games.js:



    Our reducer switch requires a new case. Let's edit /client/src/reducers/games.js:

    我们的减速机开关需要一个新的情况。 让我们编辑/client/src/reducers/games.js

    import Immutable from 'immutable';import {
    GET_GAMES_SUCCESS, GET_GAMES_FAILURE, SET_SEARCH_BAR} from '../constants/games';const initialState = Immutable.Map();export default (state = initialState, action) => {
    switch (action.type) {
    return state.merge({
    list: action.games }); } // The reducer can now set the searchBar content into the state case SET_SEARCH_BAR: {
    return state.merge({
    searchBar: action.keyword }); } case GET_GAMES_FAILURE: {
    return state.clear(); } default: return state; }}

    Again, we merge the state with the current searchBar content.


    Finally, it's time to edit GamesContainer:


    import React, {
    Component } from 'react';import {
    connect } from 'react-redux';import {
    bindActionCreators } from 'redux';import Immutable from 'immutable';import {
    Modal, GamesListManager } from '../components';import * as gamesActionCreators from '../actions/games';class GamesContainer extends Component {
    constructor (props) {
    super(props); // We removed the searchBar initialization this.state = {
    selectedGame: {
    } }; this.toggleModal = this.toggleModal.bind(this); this.deleteGame = this.deleteGame.bind(this); this.setSearchBar = this.setSearchBar.bind(this); } componentDidMount () {
    this.getGames(); } toggleModal (index) {
    selectedGame: this.state.games[index] }); $('#game-modal').modal(); } getGames () {
    this.props.gamesActions.getGames(); } deleteGame (id) {
    id}`, {
    headers: new Headers({
    'Content-Type': 'application/json', }), method: 'DELETE', }) .then(response => response.json()) .then(response => {
    games: this.state.games.filter(game => game._id !== id) }); console.log(response.message); }); }// It now dispatches the action and pass the search bar content as parameter setSearchBar (event) {
    this.props.gamesActions.setSearchBar(event.target.value.toLowerCase()); } render () {
    // we take games and searchBar from props now} const {
    selectedGame } = this.state; const {
    games, searchBar } = this.props; console.log(games); return (
    ); }}function mapStateToProps (state) {
    return {
    games: state.getIn(['games', 'list'], Immutable.List()).toJS(), searchBar: state.getIn(['games', 'searchBar'], '') // We retrieve the searchBar content too }}function mapDispatchToProps (dispatch) {
    return {
    // setSearchBar gets binded too gamesActions: bindActionCreators(gamesActionCreators, dispatch) };}export default connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(GamesContainer);
    • in mapStateToProps we retrieve the current value of the search bar from the state which is now accessible within the component at this.props.searchBar.

    • mapDispatchToProps doesn't change as it's already an object whose properties are the exported action creators.

    • The GamesContainer setSearchBar function now dispatches the action to the reducer passing the current search bar value.

      现在,GamesContainer setSearchBar函数会将setSearchBar分派给传递当前搜索栏值的减速器。
    • In the constructor we removed the initiliaziation of the keyword.


    Let's take a look at the result in the browser:


    If you try to click "view" on any game you receive an error, we need to modify our modal behavior! The process is very similar to the search bar one.

    如果您尝试在任何游戏上单击“查看”,则会收到错误消息,我们需要修改模态行为! 该过程非常类似于搜索栏之一。


    This is our state including the selectedGame:


    games: {
    list : [ {
    //...Game1}, {
    //...Game2}, ... ], searchBar: '', selectedGame: {
    //... Game to show in the modal }}

    In client/src/actions/games.js let's define an action creator:


    import {
    GET_GAMES, GET_GAMES_SUCCESS, GET_GAMES_FAILURE, SET_SEARCH_BAR, SHOW_SELECTED_GAME // Another constant} from '../constants/games';function getGames () {
    return {
    type: GET_GAMES };}function getGamesSuccess (games) {
    return {
    type: GET_GAMES_SUCCESS, games };}function getGamesFailure () {
    return {
    type: GET_GAMES_FAILURE };}function setSearchBar (keyword) {
    return {
    type: SET_SEARCH_BAR, keyword };}// We pass the game as payloadfunction showSelectedGame (game) {
    return {
    type: SHOW_SELECTED_GAME, game };}export {
    getGames, getGamesSuccess, getGamesFailure, setSearchBar, showSelectedGame // Export the new action-creator};

    We also must define a new constant SHOW_SELECTED_GAME.


    Edit /client/src/constants/games.js:



    Again, let's add the case in the games reducer /client/src/reducers/games.js:

    再次,让我们在游戏reducer /client/src/reducers/games.js添加案例:

    import Immutable from 'immutable';import {
    GET_GAMES_SUCCESS, GET_GAMES_FAILURE, SET_SEARCH_BAR, // Import the new constant to be used as new 'case' SHOW_SELECTED_GAME} from '../constants/games';const initialState = Immutable.Map();export default (state = initialState, action) => {
    switch (action.type) {
    return state.merge({
    list: action.games }); } case SET_SEARCH_BAR: {
    return state.merge({
    searchBar: action.keyword }); } // We finally moved the selectedGame in the app state case SHOW_SELECTED_GAME: {
    return state.merge({
    selectedGame: action.game }); } case GET_GAMES_FAILURE: {
    return state.clear(); } default: return state; }}

    We can finally edit our GamesContainer:


    import React, {
    Component } from 'react';import {
    connect } from 'react-redux';import {
    bindActionCreators } from 'redux';import Immutable from 'immutable';import {
    Modal, GamesListManager } from '../components';import * as gamesActionCreators from '../actions/games';// GamesContainer does not initialize the state anymoreclass GamesContainer extends Component {
    constructor (props) {
    super(props); this.toggleModal = this.toggleModal.bind(this); this.deleteGame = this.deleteGame.bind(this); this.setSearchBar = this.setSearchBar.bind(this); } componentDidMount () {
    this.getGames(); }// Once the action is dispatched we toggle the modal toggleModal (index) {
    // We pass the game given the index parameter passed from the view button this.props.gamesActions.showSelectedGame(this.props.games[index]); $('#game-modal').modal(); } getGames () {
    this.props.gamesActions.getGames(); } deleteGame (id) {
    id}`, {
    headers: new Headers({
    'Content-Type': 'application/json', }), method: 'DELETE', }) .then(response => response.json()) .then(response => {
    games: this.state.games.filter(game => game._id !== id) }); console.log(response.message); }); } setSearchBar (event) {
    this.props.gamesActions.setSearchBar(event.target.value.toLowerCase()); } render () {
    /* We get all the info from props */} const {
    games, selectedGame, searchBar } = this.props; return (
    ); }}function mapStateToProps (state) {
    return {
    games: state.getIn(['games', 'list'], Immutable.List()).toJS(), searchBar: state.getIn(['games', 'searchBar'], ''), // The latest addition to props is the selectedGame selectedGame: state.getIn(['games', 'selectedGame'], Immutable.List()).toJS() }}function mapDispatchToProps (dispatch) {
    return {
    gamesActions: bindActionCreators(gamesActionCreators, dispatch) };}export default connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(GamesContainer);
    • We now map selectedGame from the state to the props, so it's available at this.props.selectedGame.

    • We can dispatch the new action through gamesActions props. You take a look at the function toggleModal: It dispatches the new action with the selected game and toggle the modal.

      我们可以通过游戏动作道具来派发新动作。 您看一下功能toggleModal :它使用选定的游戏调度新动作并切换模式。

    At this point check the app in the browser:


    That's awesome because we already achieve a big result: GamesContainer is now a dumb component as it has no state! Its connected version instead is a smart component because connected to the Redux store.

    太棒了,因为我们已经取得了很大的成就: GamesContainer现在是一个愚蠢的组件,因为它没有状态! 相反,它的连接版本是智能组件,因为已连接到Redux存储。

    We are almost done, we just need to rewrite the logic to delete a game.



    Let's start from the actions, since we are gonna write another HTTP request we can make assumptions based on the getGames logic: Inside a try catch we send a DELETE request to the server and if everything goes well the next action to the reducer will be DELETE_GAME_SUCCESSFUL, otherwise the catch block will send DELETE_GAME_FAILURE.

    让我们从动作开始,因为我们要编写另一个HTTP请求,因此我们可以基于getGames逻辑进行假设:在try catch中,我们将DELETE请求发送到服务器,如果一切顺利,则到reducer的下一个动作将是DELETE_GAME_SUCCESSFUL ,否则catch块将发送DELETE_GAME_FAILURE

    So let's edit /client/src/actions/games.js:


    import {
    GET_GAMES, GET_GAMES_SUCCESS, GET_GAMES_FAILURE, SET_SEARCH_BAR, SHOW_SELECTED_GAME, // We import the three constants DELETE_GAME, DELETE_GAME_SUCCESS, DELETE_GAME_FAILURE} from '../constants/games';function getGames () {
    return {
    type: GET_GAMES };}function getGamesSuccess (games) {
    return {
    type: GET_GAMES_SUCCESS, games };}function getGamesFailure () {
    return {
    type: GET_GAMES_FAILURE };}function setSearchBar (keyword) {
    return {
    type: SET_SEARCH_BAR, keyword };}function showSelectedGame (game) {
    return {
    type: SHOW_SELECTED_GAME, game };}// This is called when a user clicks on the delete buttonfunction deleteGame () {
    return {
    type: DELETE_GAME };}// In case of succesful deletion the action is dispatched to the reducerfunction deleteGamesSuccess (games) {
    return {
    type: DELETE_GAME_SUCCESS, games };}// In case of failure the saga dispatches DELETE_GAME_FAILURE insteadfunction deleteGameFailure () {
    return {
    type: DELETE_GAME_FAILURE };}export {
    getGames, getGamesSuccess, getGamesFailure, setSearchBar, showSelectedGame, // Export the 3 new functions deleteGame, deleteGameSuccess, deleteGameFailure};
    • deleteGame returns the action a new saga takes, it will be run from the GameContainer and has the game id as parameter.

    • The remaining go from the saga to the reducer according to the HTTP request result. In particular, deleteGameSuccess carries the games... Why? That's because once the game is deleted we filter the current games list from the state and delete it from the list as well. Then the reducer will merge the new games list and return a new state. This is the same as what GET_GAMES_SUCCESS does!

      其余部分根据HTTP请求结果从传奇到减速器。 特别是deleteGameSuccess携带游戏...为什么? 这是因为一旦删除游戏,我们就会从状态中过滤当前游戏列表,并将其从列表中删除。 然后,reducer将合并新游戏列表并返回新状态。 这与GET_GAMES_SUCCESS一样!

    We need to edit the constants file as well, open /client/src/constants and paste the following code:



    Now let's create a new saga so let's edit /client/src/sagas/games.js:


    import {
    takeLatest, delay} from 'redux-saga';import {
    put, select, call} from 'redux-saga/effects';// We import DELETE_GAME constant for the new saga watcherimport {
    GET_GAMES, DELETE_GAME} from '../constants/games';import {
    getGamesSuccess, getGamesFailure , // the last two action creators are imported as well deleteGameSuccess, deleteGameFailure} from '../actions/games';// Selector function to return the games list from the stateconst selectedGames = (state) => {
    return state.getIn(['games', 'list']).toJS();}const fetchGames = () => {
    return fetch('http://localhost:8080/games', {
    headers: new Headers({
    'Content-Type': 'application/json' }) }) .then(response => response.json());};const deleteServerGame = (id) => {
    return fetch(`http://localhost:8080/games/${
    id}`, {
    headers: new Headers({
    'Content-Type': 'application/json', }), method: 'DELETE', }) .then(response => response.json());}function* getGames () {
    try {
    const games = yield call(fetchGames); yield put(getGamesSuccess(games)); } catch (err) {
    yield put(getGamesFailure()); }}function* deleteGame (action) {
    const {
    id } = action; // We take the games from the state const games = yield select(selectedGames); try {
    yield call(deleteServerGame, id); // The new state will contain the games except for the deleted one. yield put(deleteGameSuccess(games.filter(game => game._id !== id))); } catch (e) {
    // In case of error yield put(deleteGameFailure()); }}function* watchGetGames () {
    yield takeLatest(GET_GAMES, getGames);}// The new watcher intercepts the action and run deleteGamefunction* watchDeleteGame () {
    yield takeLatest(DELETE_GAME, deleteGame);}export {
    watchGetGames, watchDeleteGame};
    • We created the watchDeleteGame saga in charge to intercept the action DELETE_GAME.

    • In deleteGame we first take advantage of the effect select form Redux-saga to retrieve information from the state: the function needs the games list because if everything goes well, it will the deleted game from it and send it along with the action DELETE_GAME_SUCCESS.

      As I mentioned before, the filter function from javascript array comes handy, we can easily build a new games list without the deleted game and pass it as parameter to deleteGameSuccess.



    We also need to edit /client/src/sagas/index.js to run watchDeleteGame in parallel with watchGetGames:


    import {
    watchGetGames, watchDeleteGame} from './games';export default function* rootSaga () {
    yield [ watchGetGames(), watchDeleteGame() // must be run in parallel ];}

    We almost finished, let's edit the reducer games.js:

    我们快完成了,让我们编辑reducer games.js

    import Immutable from 'immutable';import {
    GET_GAMES_SUCCESS, GET_GAMES_FAILURE, SET_SEARCH_BAR, SHOW_SELECTED_GAME, DELETE_GAME_SUCCESS, DELETE_GAME_FAILURE} from '../constants/games';const initialState = Immutable.Map();export default (state = initialState, action) => {
    switch (action.type) {
    // Both cases share the same behavior in fact case DELETE_GAME_SUCCESS: case GET_GAMES_SUCCESS: {
    return state.merge({
    list: action.games }); } case SET_SEARCH_BAR: {
    return state.merge({
    searchBar: action.keyword }); } case SHOW_SELECTED_GAME: {
    return state.merge({
    selectedGame: action.game }); } // We can simply assume all the failures clear the state case DELETE_GAME_FAILURE: case GET_GAMES_FAILURE: {
    return state.clear(); } default: return state; }}
    • As explained before, the action DELETE_GAME_SUCCESS does the same as GET_GAMES_SUCCESS so the two cases can do the same as well.

    • Could be a better idea to separate the behavior of DELETE_GAME_FAILURE and GET_GAMES_FAILURE, however for the purpose of the tutorial we can just assume that whenever the server is down we simply return a new state with empty values.


    Finally, we need to dispatch the action DELETE_GAME within our container, let's edit /client/src/containers/GamesContainer.js:

    最后,我们需要在容器内分派动作DELETE_GAME ,让我们编辑/client/src/containers/GamesContainer.js

    // ...Code  deleteGame (id) {
    // It simplies dispatches the action including the game id this.props.gamesActions.deleteGame(id); }// ...Code

    It's not necessary to show the entire code, we just need to modify the deleteGame function to dispatch the action.


    Easy as pie!


    Let's try to delete a game in the browser, just go to :

    让我们尝试在浏览器中删除游戏,只需转到 :

    ( )

    We are almost done but we have to rewrite the AddGameContainer and Form to use Redux.



    If you take a look at the code of AddGameContainer you can immediately figure out what to do:


    • We need a new action to post the game to the server and dispatch it from its function uploadPicture. The procedure involves moving the server POST request in a saga and perhaps dispatch another action to the reducer.

      我们需要一个新动作将游戏发布到服务器并从其功能uploadPicture分发它。 该过程涉及在一个传奇中移动服务器POST请求,并可能将另一个操作分派给reducer。
    • However, setGame touches the app state as it keeps track of the user input while adding the new game. We can easily get rid of it by using Redux-form.

      但是, setGame在添加新游戏时会跟踪用户输入, setGame触摸应用程序状态。 我们可以使用Redux-form轻松摆脱它。
    • What about uploadPicture then? We can move our picture uploader into a saga function too and keep the url in the state.

      uploadPicture呢? 我们也可以将图片上传器移动到Saga函数中,并将网址保持在状态中。

    NB: We are going to touch just the surface of Redux-form, I do suggest you to take a look at its for more.

    注意 :我们将仅涉及Redux-form的表面,我建议您仔细阅读其 。

    Let's start by adding Redux-form to our dependencies:


    yarn add redux-form --dev

    Then take a look at the state new structure:


    games: {
    list : [ {
    //...Game1}, {
    //...Game2}, ... ], searchBar: '', selectedGame: {
    //... Game to show in the modal }},form : {
    game: {
    //... it will contain several pieces of information as well as the inputs value}},filestack : {
    url : 'picture_url' //... Trivial, this is where we 'save' the picture url}
    • game is the name of our form specified when the component is decorated by reduxForm.

    • On the other hand the picture url is available at filestack.url


    And as first thing let's rewrite the Form component, edit /client/src/components/Form.js with the following code:


    import React, {
    PureComponent } from 'react';import {
    Link } from 'react-router';// We import Field and reduxForm from redux-form immutable versionimport {
    Field, reduxForm } from 'redux-form/immutable';class Form extends PureComponent {
    render () {
    const {
    picture, uploadPicture } = this.props; return (

    Add a Game!

    { /* All the previous form input become Field components. Notice that Field render the right form input given the value of component */}
    { /* The description textarea becomes a Field component too */}
    { /* ... And the input number for the year */}
    ); }}// we named the form game so that in the state we can access it like form.gameexport default reduxForm({
    form: 'game' })(Form);
    • We included from Field and reduxForm: The first is a component to connect a field to the redux store while the second is also a component but it wraps the Form component in a high order component instead. Once we add the form reducer our state will keep up-to-date with our Field inputs as it listens to actions dispatched from reduxForm.

      我们从FieldreduxForm中包括了:第一个是将字段连接到redux存储的组件,第二个也是一个组件,但是它将Form组件包装在一个高阶组件中。 一旦添加了表单reduxForm器,我们的状态就会随着Field输入的更新而更新,因为它监听从reduxForm派发的reduxForm
    • Also, they are both the immutable version (redux-form/immutable) as our state is an immutable data-structure.

      同样,它们都是不可变的版本(redux-form / immutable),因为我们的状态是不可变的数据结构。


    As last step let's add the form reducer, edit the /client/src/reducer/index.js and paste the following code:


    import {
    combineReducers } from 'redux-immutable';// Even here we need to include the immutable versionimport {
    reducer as form } from 'redux-form/immutable';import games from './games';// Now you can see the benefit of using combineReducers!export default combineReducers({
    games, form});

    If you now try to play with the app and type anything in the form fields, Redux-form will automatically dispatch special actions to keep the game info in the state. Plus, and this is great, if you go back to the games list the form will automatically remove its information from the state as well.

    如果您现在尝试使用该应用程序并在表单字段中键入任何内容,则Redux-form将自动调度特殊操作以将游戏信息保持在该状态。 另外,这很棒,如果您返回游戏列表,该表格也会自动从状态中删除其信息。

    Still, we can't actually create any object yet, we need the sagas for it, as well as for uploading the picture on Filestack.


    These are the next steps.



    We can think of the actions for both sagas the same way we did for the previous ones: We have an action dispatched from the component/container and two actions, one for success and one for failure, both yielded by the saga.


    First, let's write the actions for adding a new game, so edit /client/src/actions/games.js and paste the following code:


    import {
    return {
    type: GET_GAMES };}function getGamesSuccess (games) {
    return {
    type: GET_GAMES_SUCCESS, games };}function getGamesFailure () {
    return {
    type: GET_GAMES_FAILURE };}function setSearchBar (keyword) {
    return {
    type: SET_SEARCH_BAR, keyword };}function showSelectedGame (game) {
    return {
    type: SHOW_SELECTED_GAME, game };}function deleteGame (id) {
    return {
    type: DELETE_GAME, id };}function deleteGameSuccess (games) {
    return {
    type: DELETE_GAME_SUCCESS, games };}function deleteGameFailure () {
    return {
    type: DELETE_GAME_FAILURE };}// POST_GAME is dispatched when users click on submitfunction postGame () {
    return {
    type: POST_GAME };}// The action is dispatched when the returned promise from a POST request resolvefunction postGameSuccess () {
    return {
    type: POST_GAME_SUCCESS };}// In case of failurefunction postGameFailure () {
    return {
    type: POST_GAME_FAILURE };}export {
    getGames, getGamesSuccess, getGamesFailure, setSearchBar, showSelectedGame, deleteGame, deleteGameSuccess, deleteGameFailure, // Export the new action-creators postGame, postGameSuccess, postGameFailure};

    Notice that POST_GAME doesn't carry any payload, the saga takes it directly from the state. Next, we create a new file filestack.js in /client/src/actions and paste the following code:

    请注意, POST_GAME不携带任何负载,传奇直接从状态获取它。 接下来,我们在/client/src/actions创建一个新文件filestack.js并粘贴以下代码:

    // Import constants (obviously)import {
    UPLOAD_PICTURE, UPLOAD_PICTURE_SUCCESS, UPLOAD_PICTURE_FAILURE} from '../constants/filestack';// Triggered by the upload buttonfunction uploadPicture () {
    return {
    type: UPLOAD_PICTURE };}// It carries the picture url to be added to the statefunction uploadPictureSuccess (url) {
    return {
    type: UPLOAD_PICTURE_SUCCESS, url };}// In case of failurefunction uploadPictureFailure () {
    return {
    type: UPLOAD_PICTURE_FAILURE };}export {
    uploadPicture, uploadPictureSuccess, uploadPictureFailure};

    Nothing exotic here, UPLOAD_PICTURE_SUCCESS has a payload which is the CDN url returned by Filestack.

    UPLOAD_PICTURE_SUCCESS在这里没有什么奇怪的地方, 有一个有效载荷,它是Filestack返回的CDN URL。

    Again, we are adding functionalities to the app while following a similar pattern. Right after the actions creators we need to define the new constants used for the action.type property. Open /client/src/constants/games.js and paste the following code:

    同样,我们在遵循类似模式的同时向应用程序添加功能。 在动作创建者之后,我们需要定义用于action.type属性的新常量。 打开/client/src/constants/games.js并粘贴以下代码:


    Then create a new constants file called filestack.js and paste the following code:


    // A very simple file but we want to keep the constants for filestack separated to another fileconst UPLOAD_PICTURE = 'UPLOAD_PICTURE';const UPLOAD_PICTURE_SUCCESS = 'UPLOAD_PICTURE_SUCCESS';const UPLOAD_PICTURE_FAILURE = 'UPLOAD_PICTURE_FAILURE';export {


    We obviously need a new reducer for Filestack related actions, let's create filestack.js in /client/src/reducers and paste the following code:


    import Immutable from 'immutable';// import the constantsimport {
    UPLOAD_PICTURE_SUCCESS, UPLOAD_PICTURE_FAILURE} from '../constants/filestack';// Also import the constants for the post game actionsimport {
    POST_GAME_SUCCESS, POST_GAME_FAILURE} from '../constants/games';// The initial state is just a Mapconst initialState = Immutable.Map();export default (state = initialState, action) => {
    switch (action.type) {
    // The url is saved in filestack.url case UPLOAD_PICTURE_SUCCESS: {
    return state.merge({
    url: action.url }); } // After a game was posted we want to clear the state from the picture url as well case POST_GAME_SUCCESS: case POST_GAME_FAILURE: case UPLOAD_PICTURE_FAILURE: {
    return state.clear(); } default: return state; }}

    Notice that also the actions after the game submission are intercepted by the reducer: We want to clear the state which means delete the picture url from it. As said before, once we submit we change the view with hashHistory, so the Redux-form game will be automatically deleted from the state while filestack.url will persist.

    注意,提交游戏后的动作也被reducer拦截:我们要清除状态,这意味着从中删除图片url。 如前所述,一旦提交,我们将使用hashHistory更改视图,因此Redux形式的游戏将自动从状态中删除,而filestack.url将保持不变。

    Let's now combine it with the others in /client/src/reducers/index.js:


    import {
    combineReducers } from 'redux-immutable';import {
    reducer as form } from 'redux-form/immutable';import games from './games';import filestack from './filestack';export default combineReducers({
    games, form, filestack // Include the filestack reducer to be combined into a single one});


    Now let's talk about sagas, we need to write a few, let's start from adding the game: Open /client/src/sagas/games.js and paste the following code:


    import {
    takeLatest } from 'redux-saga';import {
    put, select, call} from 'redux-saga/effects';import {
    GET_GAMES, DELETE_GAME, POST_GAME // import the constant to be used by the watcher} from '../constants/games';import {
    getGamesSuccess, getGamesFailure , deleteGameSuccess, deleteGameFailure, // Import the action creators to handle the server POST request outcome postGameSuccess, postGameFailure} from '../actions/games';const selectedGames = (state) => {
    return state.getIn(['games', 'list']).toJS();}// selector to get the picture from the stateconst selectedPicture = (state) => {
    return state.getIn(['filestack', 'url'], '');}const fetchGames = () => {
    return fetch('http://localhost:8080/games', {
    headers: new Headers({
    'Content-Type': 'application/json' }) }) .then(response => response.json());};const deleteServerGame = (id) => {
    return fetch(`http://localhost:8080/games/${
    id}`, {
    headers: new Headers({
    'Content-Type': 'application/json', }), method: 'DELETE', }) .then(response => response.json());}// the function contains the fetch logic to add a gameconst postServerGame = (game) => {
    return fetch('http://localhost:8080/games', {
    headers: new Headers({
    'Content-Type': 'application/json' }), method: 'POST', body: JSON.stringify(game) }) .then(response => response.json());}function* getGames () {
    try {
    const games = yield call(fetchGames); yield put(getGamesSuccess(games)); } catch (err) {
    yield put(getGamesFailure()); }}function* deleteGame (action) {
    const {
    id } = action; const games = yield select(selectedGames); try {
    yield call(deleteServerGame, id); // API call yield put(deleteGameSuccess(games.filter(game => game._id !== id))); } catch (e) {
    // In case of error yield put(deleteGameFailure()); }}const getGameForm = (state) => {
    return state.getIn(['form', 'game']).toJS();}function* postGame () {
    // Access the state to retrieve the new game information const picture = yield select(selectedPicture); const game = yield select(getGameForm); // Create the newGame object to be sent to the server const newGame = Object.assign({
    }, {
    picture }, game.values); try {
    // yield call postServerGame to post to the server yield call(postServerGame, newGame); yield put(postGameSuccess()); } catch (e) {
    yield put(postGameFailure()); }}function* watchGetGames () {
    yield takeLatest(GET_GAMES, getGames);}function* watchDeleteGame () {
    yield takeLatest(DELETE_GAME, deleteGame);}// The new watcher saga to intercept POST_GAME actionsfunction* watchPostGame () {
    yield takeLatest(POST_GAME, postGame);}export {
    watchGetGames, watchDeleteGame, watchPostGame // Export the new watcher to be run in parallel};

    The postGame function by yielding select twice with a selector function as parameter is able to get the games information and picture. Then, we run the fetch function and post to the game to the server.

    postGame函数通过使用选择器函数作为参数产生两次select来获取游戏信息和图片。 然后,我们运行获取功能并将游戏发布到服务器。

    Regarding Filestack, we have to rethink about the pick function: while the first parameter is an object of options the others are all function, we have onSuccess, onFailure and in fact onProgress too (to learn more about it just take a look a the ). Unfortunately pick doesn't not return any promise but sagas requires that, so we can take advantage of the onSuccess and onFailure function parameters to resolve or reject a promise.

    关于Filestack,我们必须重新考虑pick函数:虽然第一个参数是选项的对象,而其他参数都是函数,但我们还有onSuccessonFailure以及实际上是onProgress (要了解更多信息,请查看 )。 不幸的是, pick不会返回任何承诺,但是sagas要求这样做,因此我们可以利用onSuccess和onFailure函数参数来解决或拒绝承诺。

    At Filestack they tried their best to provide very flexible functions that users can customize for their needs, this is a perfect example.


    Let's create filestack.js in /client/src/sagas and paste the following code:


    import {
    takeLatest } from 'redux-saga';import {
    put, call } from 'redux-saga/effects';import {
    UPLOAD_PICTURE } from '../constants/filestack';import {
    uploadPictureSuccess, uploadPictureFailure} from '../actions/filestack';const pick = () => {
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    filepicker.pick ( {
    // The options are the same as in part1 mimetype: 'image/*', container: 'modal', services: ['COMPUTER', 'FACEBOOK', 'INSTAGRAM', 'URL', 'IMGUR', 'PICASA'], openTo: 'COMPUTER' }, function (Blob) {
    console.log(JSON.stringify(Blob)); const handler = Blob.url; resolve(handler); // The promise resolves }, function (FPError) {
    console.log(FPError.toString()); reject(FPError.toString()); // the promise rejects } ); });}function* uploadPicture () {
    try {
    const url = yield call(pick); // call the pick function yield put(uploadPictureSuccess(url)); } catch (error) {
    yield put(uploadPictureFailure()); }}export function* watchUploadPicture () {
    yield takeLatest(UPLOAD_PICTURE, uploadPicture);}

    The function pick yielded by uploadPicture return a promise which either resolves in onSuccess or rejects in onFailure.


    Let's update /client/src/sagas/index.js to run the new sagas:


    import {
    watchGetGames, watchDeleteGame, watchPostGame} from './games';import {
    watchUploadPicture } from './filestack';export default function* rootSaga () {
    yield [ watchGetGames(), watchDeleteGame(), watchPostGame(), watchUploadPicture() // Run the last saga in parallel with the others ];}

    The last thing we need to do is to edit addGameContainer:


    import React, {
    Component } from 'react';import {
    connect } from 'react-redux';import {
    bindActionCreators } from 'redux';import {
    hashHistory } from 'react-router';import {
    Form } from '../components';import * as gamesActionCreators from '../actions/games';import * as filestackActionCreators from '../actions/filestack';class AddGameContainer extends Component {
    constructor (props) {
    super(props); this.submit = this.submit.bind(this); this.uploadPicture = this.uploadPicture.bind(this); } // Dispatch POST_GAME to the saga and change the view submit (event) {
    event.preventDefault(); this.props.gamesActions.postGame(); hashHistory.push('/games'); } // Dispatch UPLOAD_PICTURE to the filestack saga uploadPicture () {
    this.props.filestackActions.uploadPicture(); } render () {
    const {
    picture } = this.props; return (
    ); }}function mapStateToProps (state) {
    return {
    // We access the state to retrieve the url and show the preview of the image in the form picture: state.getIn(['filestack', 'url'], '') }}function mapDispatchToProps (dispatch) {
    return {
    // We get the actions to dispatch POST_GAME actions and UPLOAD_PICTURE too gamesActions: bindActionCreators(gamesActionCreators, dispatch), filestackActions: bindActionCreators(filestackActionCreators, dispatch) };}export default connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(AddGameContainer);

    Now try to add a game in , or first run yarn build and serve the page from Node.js at !

    现在,尝试在添加游戏,或者首先run yarn build并从 Node.js提供页面!

    ( )

    In this second part of the tutorial we defined a single state and decoupled from the containers/components logic.


    To do so we use Redux so that we have a reducer to intercept actions and always provide a new state to the app. We also included Redux-saga to control all the async behavior of our app (HTTP requests and Filestack uploader).

    为此,我们使用Redux,以便我们有一个reducer来拦截操作并始终为应用提供新状态。 我们还包括Redux-saga,以控制应用程序的所有异步行为(HTTP请求和Filestack上传器)。

    To facilitate this process we covered each step required to integrate Redux: We started to define actions, reducers and sagas to intercept them, created the store and connected to react through Provider component. Finally, we exported connected versions of the containers which are able to read from the state and dispatch actions.

    为了简化此过程,我们介绍了集成Redux所需的每个步骤:我们开始定义操作,reduce和sagas拦截它们,创建商店,并通过Provider组件进行响应。 最后,我们导出了容器的连接版本,这些版本能够从状态读取并分派操作。

    Stay tuned for the third part, the bonus part where we will improve the UI and add basic authentication!


    PS: The store I created in my github I compose the saga middleware with middleware. You can download the browser extension and checkout the state, all the dispatched actions and much more!

    PS :我在github中创建的商店将saga中间件与中间件组成。 您可以下载浏览器扩展并签出状态,所有已调度的动作等等!



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